Month: August 2017

green tropical kale smoothie

Tropikale Cooler

I have had this smoothie name in my head for about 4 years. I was working at a juice and smoothie bar at the time, and they had a smoothie that was tropical-ish and had kale in it. And they did NOT call it “tropikale cooler” and I never understood […]

cilantro pesto zoodles with shrimp

Cilantro Pesto Zoodles with Garlic Butter Shrimp

This meal is so simple to make, yet so flavorful and filling. If you’re not yet familiar with zoodles, they are “noodles” made out of spiralized zucchini. Fiber-filled, lower-carb versions of everyone’s favorite food. I realize this is another recipe starring zucchini, but it’s just such an all-star veggie, I […]

Blueberry Zucchini Tahini Smoothie

Blueberry Zucchini Tahini Smoothie

I am a creature of habit, and once I like something, I will stick with it for quite a while. One of those things is a good smoothie- I have one pretty much every morning without fail, and this is one of my go-to’s. I love having smoothies in the […]